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A.D. Juan Rubio "The effects of vehicular language in the election of post-basic studies", "The International Journal of Humanities Education"
, vol.22, 1-17, 2024
A.D. Juan Rubio "Developing motivation through an ICT cooperation project plan in English between Spanish and German students"
, vol.11, 1-22, 2024
M.D.R. Pascual-Lacal, D. Madrid -Vivar
M.J. Molina García,
"Cultivando la creatividad: formando mentes creativas en educación infantil con la diversidad textual.", "Creatividad y Sociedad"
, vol.38, 20-30, 2023
R. Ruiz Cecilia, L. Medina Sánchez
A.M. Rodríguez García,
"Teaching and Learning of Mathematics through CLIL, CBI, or EMI¿A Systematic Literature Review", "Mathematics"
, vol.11, 1-29, 2023
A. Tarazi
R. Ruiz Cecilia,
"Students¿ Perceptions towards the Role of Online Teaching Platforms in Enhancing Online Engagement and Academic Performance Levels in Palestinian Higher Education Institutions", "Education Sciences"
, vol.13, 1-21, 2023
J.C. Manzanares-Triquet
J.R. Guijarro Ojeda,
"Factores afectivos en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera en contextos sinohablantes: una revisión de la literatura", "Forma y Función"
, vol.36, 1-21, 2023
L. Birova, R. Ruiz Cecilia
J.R. Guijarro Ojeda,
"Flipped classroom in EFL: a teaching experience with pre-service teachers", "Frontiers in Psychology"
, vol.14, 1-12, 2023
E. Fernández-Barrionuevo, F.T. González Fernández
J. Villoria Prieto,
"Effect of learning HIIT Or Active Breaks on willingness to learn English language", "Porta Linguarum"
, 147-158, 2023
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024